v.6.1.2 - 4th October 2021


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v.6.1.2 - 4th October 2021


New Features



The booking process has been improved to allow the Special Requirements box to be used on the Passengers screen. This allows us to hide the booking options screen if none are set up for the tour therefore simplifying the booking process steps


We now support Open Graph meta tags for Face Book. This can be used on all blog posts





Improving the customer experience


The HTML Editor has be improved to make it easier to navigate and use


Various back changes have been made to allow longer image file names to be used in the itinerary pages and items





Fixed an issue closing the Itinerary Item Edit screen which caused the CMS to be unresponsive


Model of travel feature (self drive) was losing setting values. This has now been fixed


Fixed an issue with Date Pickers not showing correctly in some Edit screens


Fix for t28 search results for certain filtered results


Bug fixed with deposit dates where WebRes wasn't correctly respecting the deposit payment allowed configuration in t28/t3


Improved the Booking confirmation email to better reflect the status of insurance on a booking if the customer declined an operators insurance


Fixed a very rare issue that allowed WebRes to double book seats for self drive tours sold without the seat picker being configured to show in the booking process





Version 6.1.3 is in development already - watch this space!