v28.1.153a - December 2011

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v28.1.153a - December 2011


The Create and Booking form default sizes have been reset to the historic dimensions, as some users were not able to view new form sizes.


Passenger Edit form now prevents users from selling insurance to clients booked through non-FSA approved agents.


Tour departure date and duration changes now update the Bookings table ( Cust ) with correct tour date and nights.  Note: This does not apply to Express/Shuttles where there is no direct relationship between the outward and return travel dates.


Agent Booking


Making refunds occasionally prevented full refunds due to a commission calculation error in the range checking.


Refunds that are higher than the deposit taken can now be processed.




The new Passenger Browser (F8) again shows the seat captions.




Fixed an issue in MailCat filters where CustNumber scopes could cause the extract to return  shortened lists on the first run.


Now shows date fields on saved or filtered lists. Note the date has been returned to Database Format DD/MM/YYYY.


Link to ph28


Further improvements to the PH28 link in Tour Creation. You can now specify a default coach type and the staying out / stopped out flags are now set automatically to denote tours.


Batch Confirmations


Improvements to the Batch Confirmation Browser including better refreshing and wait cursors.